A. Introduction
Salatiga (State Islamic Senior High School) is the only Religion Ministry
affair’s secondary school which exists in Salatiga where a high quality and
Islamic school does also exists. The unrepresentative of MAN itself made the
incompetence input students of this school got their worseness, in spending
their activity as students. Prior to be a protective wall to faith shift. MAN
need to prepare some strategic and creative ways to gain a marvelous dream as a
proud able and favourite secondary Islamic state school for Moslem throughout
not a simple way in creating steps to wider and completes some positive
supports and plan in making the dream comes true. A solid team that involves
teachers, employers, school’s dean, Religion ministry affair’s bureaucracy and
Moslem society throughout Salatiga, needs to collaborate in realizing the
arrangement role relates to education. So that, MAN Salatiga will be compatible
and marketable as one of Secondary Islamic State School.
to facts, the success of being a high standard school can be seen by seeing the
result of passed student’s number in national examination which is held by the
government as National Education Ministry does every year. In addition, as one
of educational institution, an immediately and continuity action must be done
since the passed students number of MAN Salatiga are still so far below.
fellows with Islamic norms anyway, is a special mark that actually useful to be
applied whether the students are still being students or after they pass
indeed. Students with Islamic norms wrapped will readily survive to face the
world field challenge and even in there society where they have to socialized
their selves.
Talking about MAN
Salatiga, there are some points that necessarily needed to know as follows;