Keep the Spirit for Studying English


A.    Introduction

MAN Salatiga (State Islamic Senior High School) is the only Religion Ministry affair’s secondary school which exists in Salatiga where a high quality and Islamic school does also exists. The unrepresentative of MAN itself made the incompetence input students of this school got their worseness, in spending their activity as students. Prior to be a protective wall to faith shift. MAN need to prepare some strategic and creative ways to gain a marvelous dream as a proud able and favourite secondary Islamic state school for Moslem throughout Salatiga.
It’s not a simple way in creating steps to wider and completes some positive supports and plan in making the dream comes true. A solid team that involves teachers, employers, school’s dean, Religion ministry affair’s bureaucracy and Moslem society throughout Salatiga, needs to collaborate in realizing the arrangement role relates to education. So that, MAN Salatiga will be compatible and marketable as one of Secondary Islamic State School.
According to facts, the success of being a high standard school can be seen by seeing the result of passed student’s number in national examination which is held by the government as National Education Ministry does every year. In addition, as one of educational institution, an immediately and continuity action must be done since the passed students number of MAN Salatiga are still so far below.
Awarding fellows with Islamic norms anyway, is a special mark that actually useful to be applied whether the students are still being students or after they pass indeed. Students with Islamic norms wrapped will readily survive to face the world field challenge and even in there society where they have to socialized their selves.
Talking about MAN Salatiga, there are some points that necessarily needed to know as follows;

B.     Educational Aim, Target and Goal in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Salatiga

MAN Salatiga has integrity aims which consider student’s parents expectation, the next graduation user and people surrounding. It is all for responding the future development and challenge on rapidly science and technology progressiveness. This is the aim of MAN Salatiga to realize its achievement to combine consideration, recitation, and skill to create Islamic generation who are proud able and independent.
1) The aim indicators:
1.      Compatible generations who are able to read the Holy Koran well and correctly.
2.      Compatible generations who behave well.
3.      Compatible generations academically and non-academically to face the next step their phase.
4.      Compatible generation with applied skill as a modal to be independent.
2) Target:
1.       To held a democratic and competence education.
2.      To prepare compatible generations who master science and technology then add by skill as the modal for their life.
3.      To develop students innovative creativity.
4.      To increase the students belief and faith.
5.      To create Islamic norms in students daily life.
3) Goal:
Generally MAN Salatiga has an equal goal with another institution that is to increase intelligence, knowledge, personality, and skill to be independent in their next living based on Islamic way.
Considering the long term of MAN’s aim, for the next four years at least MAN has to be able to:
1.      Increase the student’s believed and faith reflects on their behavior at school and their community.
2.      Reach 0, 1 Gain Score Achievement (KKM) in the entire subject from the average of KKM 70 to 75especially for religion and worth personality subject, and 60 to 65 for another subject.
3.      The increasing passed students number for XII grade students in national examination until 95%
4.      The best three position in each competition whether in Salatiga or throughout Central Java.
5.      90% students obey the school’s roles.
Each students master one kind of skill

C. Self Development Program

Self Development Program (Program Pengembangan Diri) is a program held by the school for the students of MAN Salatiga to increase their life skill.
Based on the school condition, Self Development Program consists of two main activities:
1)   Extracurricular activity, consist of;
1.      Scout activity, it is an obligatory for the first grade of the fresh students in MAN Salatiga. This activity is useful to:
a.       train and practice the organization
b.      train students so that skilled and self-supporting
c.       train student to struggle for life
d.      develop social soul and care to another person
e.       develop cooperation among them
f.       train students to finish problem correctly.
2.      UKS (School Well-being Effort) / PMR (Adolescent Red Cross)
These programs have the same purpose with the scout activity but more focus on the medical program.
3.      PKS (School Patrol)
School Patrol is an activity done by the students to train line marches, Monday ceremony and to secure the school.
School Patrol is useful to;
a.       train student to be a discipline person
b.      develop agreement attitude
c.       develop cooperation among them, and
d.      train students to finish problem correctly
4.      Sport
There are so many sport programs in MAN Salatiga such as; volley ball, basket ball, badminton, tennis, table tennis, self defense, etc

Sport program is useful to;
a.       practice organization
b.      train student fitness
c.       develop talent and student accomplishment
d.      develop cooperation and self confidence.
5.      Artistry
The activities that belong to artistry programs in MAN Salatiga are Band, drama, traditional dances and modern dances. These activities are useful to:
a.       train student for developing talent and accomplishment at art area
b.       develop aesthetics and art appreciation
6.      KIR (Students Scientific Work) and Wall Magazine
These programs have some activities such as discussion, making scientific project, English speech, Japanese speech, Arabic speech, etc. these are useful to:
a.       covers student’s creativity in all area
b.      increase student’s ability in science and technology.

2)      Counseling Guidance Activity
Counseling guidance activity is an activity to guide the students for their better future. It has some missions as follow;
subsidize self development and self supporting for the student to endure the life everyday as a student effectively, creative and dynamic which has ability for their future career by;
1.    believe in and pious to God the Almighty,
2.    comprehending self development and the environment,
3.    self realization to the spiritual dimension, decision making based on Intelligent Quotient, Emotional Quotient and Spiritual Quotient.

Considering the long term of MAN’s aim, for the next four years at least MAN has to be able to:
1.      Increase the student’s believed and faith reflects on their behavior at school and their community.
2.      Reach 0, 1 Gain Score Achievement (KKM) in the entire subject from the average of KKM 70 to 75especially for religion and worth personality subject, and 60 to 65 for another subject.
3.      The increasing passed students number for XII grade students in national examination until 95%
4.      The best three position in each competition whether in Salatiga or throughout Central Java.
5.      90% students obey the school’s roles.
Each students master one kind of skill

1.      The Strength

a.   MAN Salatiga is an institution which is enriched by wellbeing human recourses and physical recourses and unending financial contribution that mainly needed to develop each educational sector.
b.      PGA (Islamic teacher school) was a former of MAN Salatiga, it means that people throughout Salatiga has familiarly known this institution.
c.       MAN Salatiga is the only secondary Islamic State School in Salatiga.
d.    The graduation of MAN Salatiga has so many social inter partnership that has been rooted in some strategic position.
e.       MAN Salatiga is located in a strategic place that makes this institution easy to find.

2.      Weakness
a.       MAN Salatiga get an autonomous fund, it indicates the regency dependence.
b.      The Province head branch office rarely gives its attention about MAN Salatiga progress.
c.       People believe that MAN is only the last alternative school.
d.      The lack of material need.
e.       MAN Salatiga stake holder has not stayed in one command to realized ways to progress the institution.
f.       Educational staff lack of creativity and motivation.
g.      The low grade students input
h.      Student’s parents seldom give their children motivation relates to the progressive steps on the children education.
i.         Most of the students come from poor economically society.

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