Fungsi Teks/ Social Function
Factual text to inform readers events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important. (teks fakta untuk memberi informasi kepada pembaca kejadian-kejadian yang dianggap penting)
Bagian-Bagian Teks/ Schematic Structures
a.Newsworthy event(s); kejadian inti
b.Background event(s); latar belakang
c.Sources; komentar/pendapat ahli/saksi tentang kejadian tsb.
Ciri-Ciri Teks/ Linguistic Features
b.Menyampaikan informasi
c.Menggunkan bahasa verbal
Contoh Teks:
The worst hit-flood area in the country this rainy season has been Central Java, where 70 people had been killed and tens of thousands evacuated.
The public works ministry estimated that it will need 14 billion rupiah (US $6.7 million) to reconstruct the bridges in Kali Kuto and Kali Desa, Central Java, and to repair a number of roads in the province. Another 10.36 billion rupiah is need to repair irrigation facilities.
The minister of Public Works, Radinal Mochtar, has instructed that repairs on damaged roads and bridges be completed before the Idul fitri holidays at the end of March.
JAKARTA (JP): Two women, both foreign nationals, were robbed Saturday night in a taxi they hailed in Kemang. At around 9 p.m. the two women entered a taxi on Jl. Kemang Raya in South Jakarta. After driving for several minutes on the same road, the driver slowed the taxi and two men jumped into the backseat of the vehicle, entering from both sides.
Without saying a word, the well-built and neatly dressed men struck the young women as the driver sped away. The women shouted for help, but none of the other drivers or pedestrians on the busy street came to their aid. One of the women said several people on the street saw what was happening but chose not to help.
“I thought it was safe to use the taxi, especially since I took it from the crowed Jl. Kemang on a Saturday night,” she told the Jakarta Post.
One of the women was able to jump into the front seat of the taxi and then escape through the passenger door of the moving vehicle, suffering cuts and bruises.
The other women was driven around and robbed of all her belongings, including her passport, a cellular phone, cash and jewelry, before being left on Jl. Sudirman in Central Jakarta.
Another taxi stopped and the driver took the women to the nearest police station where officers took her statement before taking her back to Jl. Kemang and then checking on her friend, who had been taken to Global Doctor medical center.
Media report revealed there were 13 cases of robberies targeting taxi passengers in 2007, while there have already been six reported cases this year. Most of the victims are women.
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