Keep the Spirit for Studying English


Fungsi Teks/ Social Function
To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps.
(mendeskripsikan sesuatu / cara membuat, melakukan sesuatu melalui tahapan-tahapan)

Bagian-Bagian Teks/ Schematic Structures
a.    Goal; Tujuan / apa yang mau di buat atau dilakukan
b.    Materials; bahan-bahan/ alat
c.    Step 1 –n; Tahapan-tahapan/ cara

Ciri-Ciri Teks/ Linguistic Features
  1. Menggunakan Present tense
  2. Melalui tahapan-tahapan ditandai dengan angka atau hurufContoh Teks:

    Follow these instructions to grow the spinach seeds well. It is very easy; you can do it by yourself without any helps.

    You will need:
    -       a packet of spinach seeds
    -       some small pots
    -       a mixture of soil and sand
    -       water
    -       fertilizers

    Here are the steps:
    1.    Fill the pots with the soil
    2.    Add some fertilizers into the soil
    3.    Scatter the seeds on the surface of the soil
    4.    Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil, and then press firmly but gently.
    5.    Spray the water to make the seeds beds moist. Don’t spray too much.
    6.    Place the pots in the warm sunny position.
    7.    Keep the soil in the pots moist by spraying it with water regularly. Seeds will grow in 3 – 5 days.

    You need to follow the instruction carefully so that you can get the best result.

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